Whenever I open up a magazine, I feel like I am inundated
with messages like these: Don’t go out without pounds of makeup, you need to
mask your imperfections. Don’t let them know you like that, or they will not be
your friend. Don’t tell that person how you really feel, because you will only
get hurt. This is what society has been telling us lately. In other words, if
you want to be loved, don’t make yourself vulnerable. Wow. How backwards is
that? The question I would pose to society is then how can you TRULY love
someone, if you don’t even know who they TRULY are or they don’t know who you TRULY
are? The answer is you don’t. Vulnerability is a huge part of love. As the Catechism
of the Catholic Church states, “Love is the free self-giving of the heart” (CCC
2346). In order to give someone your heart, you first have to have it open.
This heart, open and exposed, is vulnerability at its finest. As children, it
is easy for us to give our hearts, and to let ourselves be vulnerable in our
love. Once we experience that initial heartbreak, however, this becomes one of
the hardest things to do. Believe me, I have been there and am there; I am just
as terrified as all of you. The thought of being vulnerable terrifies us beyond
belief because we do not want to get hurt again, yet that does not stop us from
feeling that desire to love. We still feel this desire because we are called to
love like children, as we are children of God. This fear of being hurt,
however, makes vulnerability and therefore love very difficult. Good thing we
have God, who is so awesome and loving! God loves you perfectly, and He will
NEVER stop loving you. If God even stopped thinking about you for even a
millisecond, you would cease to exist. He loves you so much that He gave you
this beautiful gift of life, a life called to love. God wants us to go to Him
in our brokenness. He wants us to open our hearts to Him and be vulnerable to
Him so that He can heal the pain and the brokenness. If we first open our
hearts to God, we can then open our hearts to others. When we open our hearts
to others, this act of vulnerability allows us to TRULY love them and allow
them to TRULY love us. We just have to gather the courage to be vulnerable. If
you don’t have that courage, don’t worry, God will provide it for you. I think this cartoon depiction of an amazing
C.S. Lewis quote sums up this post very well (sorry about all the weird sizing things!):
Be vulnerable. When you make yourself vulnerable, you are
able to freely give your heart. You are able to love. It is terrifying, but
there is such a deep and profound value in vulnerability. Gather your courage
and open your heart. Above all, make yourself vulnerable to the Lord. Go to the
Cross, and lay down your heart. No matter how broken it may seem, God’s love
will heal all the wounds and give you the courage to love as you are called to
Keep being vulnerable!
Your Sister In Christ,
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