Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What Is UP With My Faith?

Once upon a time, my youth minister asked me to describe my faith in one word. I picked “puppy”.
Yup, that’s right, I said puppy.
This may sound odd, but it makes sense I promise. The wonderful movie “UP” describes this concept quite well.

So this is me:

Hi. My name is Dani. I have just met you, and I love you.  My master made me this collar. He is a good and smart master and he made me this collar so that I may speak”

God is my amazing master! Sometimes though, this happens to me:


After I get over the distraction, it is then back to:

"My master is good and smart"

I describe my faith as "puppy" because I really do love God and want to please Him. I try to focus but sometimes SQUIRREL! I get distracted. There are a lot of "squirrels" in my life. They come in the form of school, relationships, friends, sports, technology, and especially the lovely Internet! They can even be sinful. Distractions are hard to overcome. I have found, however, that the more time I set aside for God, the less I get distracted. I still do get distracted A LOT, but I am getting there. God calls all of us to be "child-like" in faith, so I think "puppy-like" also applies here! So be a puppy. Love God without holding back, and when you get distracted do this:


Well, kind of. Love God yes, but not entirely sure how to go about the porch part.  I am still in puppy-training, and have a LONG way to go, but I have found that quiet time, turning off my phone, and organized prayer often help me focus. I encourage all of you to find what works for you to overcome distractions! Since I could not resist, here is the clip from this magnificent movie:

Happy Squirrel Conquering!
Your Sister in Christ,

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