Monday, April 15, 2013

How This All Started...

I have found that when I stop to think of the most beautiful women in the world, I do not think of the models in the magazine. I think of the models of faith. I think of women like my mom and my friends’ moms, living out the Christian faith in their households. I think of my Christian friends at school, standing up for the faith even when it is hard. I think of Christian speakers such as Jackie Francois, spreading the Word. I think of saints such as St. Maria Goretti sacrificing her life for her faith and forgiving her attacker immediately. Above all, I think of Mary, the Blessed Mother of Jesus. None of these women really look that much alike, like at all.
Here is St. Maria Goretti:
Here is Jackie Francois:

Here is Mary:

Yeah, I am not seeing much resemblance. The one thing these three beautiful women have in common (besides being great Soul Models) is the GLOW they have. Their faith radiates so brightly and strongly, that is just has this super bright GLOW. I am sure that many of you are curious as to why I am capitalizing GLOW.
                   I will tell you.
You see, the idea of this blog has been on my mind and heart for a long time. Somehow though, I always manage to wiggle out of it. Lately, however, I have felt more and more inclined to do it (especially since making my Youth Encounter, but more about that later!).
                So, here we are! Blogging! Why you may ask? Well, because my goal is to become like these women. I want to be a Girl Living Out the Word. I want to GLOW. I want all of you to GLOW as well. The truest and most lasting beauty I have ever seen comes from a deep faith in the Lord. In my mind, nothing can make someone more beautiful. We are all children of God, and He wants us to embrace that beauty! He wants us to love Him, and by doing that, we become the most beautiful versions of ourselves. We GLOW.
                On this blog I will be posting prayers, articles, songs, my own thoughts and much, much more! (Once I think of much, much more that is). I have some material I have had that I will post, but I am not sure when I will post new stuff yet… I will get back to you all on that! Another I should mention is that I am Catholic, so I will be posting Catholic teachings. I do believe, however, that the true beauty I mentioned can be seen in all denominations of the Christian faith! (My mom , for example, is Lutheran). Regardless of your denomination, I invite you to join me on this journey, and encourage you to embark on your own journey in faith. Your faith and your love of the Lord will make you truly beautiful. They will make you GLOW. As St. Augustine once said, “Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul.
God Bless!

Your Sister in Christ,


1 comment:

  1. I think this is a beautiful thing you are doing, keeping this blog. I had started my own blog about my faith as well. I read in this month's issue of Catholic Digest that one of the 10 ways to share the faith was to blog about your faith journey so after it played on my heart a bit I decided to start a blog. I had started it on Monday. Now I read yours and it makes me smile, because this is supposed to be the Year of Faith where we are asked to be apart of the new evangelization. As my minister, Fr. Bob once said, if Jesus was to have come in this day and age to evangelize the word of God he would have used Facebook. I assume he was including all forms of social media as well. May God Bless you on your faith journey.

    Peace & Blessings,
