Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Simply, Beautifiul

I was once on a walk with a boy I had started seeing, when we walked past a jewelry store. He turned to me and said, "If I ever get a girlfriend (hint...hint...) I have a feeling I will be spending a lot of time and money there". I frowned, turn to him, and said "Not  necessarily. I will let you in on a secret: Girls, well girls like me at least, don't actually like that stuff. Maybe once is okay, but we prefer simple things, like a note or a picture". He smiled, looking somewhat relieved, and we kept walking. The same boy later commented on how beautiful girls are with no makeup. Simply, beautiful. In both cases, simple is beautiful, but society pushes the other direction. Why is it that, when deep down we really find beauty in simplicity?  Personally, I am a huge fan of simplicity. In my mind, the most beautiful and profound things come in the most simple of ways.  For example, the birth of Jesus. This birth was the most beautiful and the most profound, but it did not come in a lavish castle or a prestigious hospitals, but rather in the simple stable. Imagine, a king, born in the poverty of a stable. Yet it is so beautiful, depicted constantly in every medium from yard decorations to paintings. A truly beautiful sight, here is one of my favorites:
I feel so blessed that I have been able to see God's beauty and love in the most simple of ways. While I like to joke about how I wish He'd send me a lit-up billboard with the answer, I wouldn't trade anything for the simple beauty He sends me. It amazes me that when I am struggling, He can send me a simple red rose as a sign of His immense love, reassuring me that He has a plan. It is so simple, yet so beautiful. I think that perhaps with society, we tend to over-complicate things with doubt. We do not want to believe that God talks to us that simple, because He is so powerful. Yet that is what makes it so beautiful! All that love and majesty can come in the most simple of the ways, like the birth of Jesus, the best gift God ever gave man. We just have to open the eyes of our hearts by trusting Him. It's like it says in Luke 11: 11-12 "What father among you would hand his son a snake when he asks for a fish? Or hand him a scorpion when he asks for an egg?". God is sending His love and His beauty to us in the most simple of ways, we just have to be open to see it. He will not give you harm, just pray for an open heart and eyes to see the beauty He is sending you. For me, He sends roses. How does He show you beauty in simplicity?

Keep it simple!
Your Sister In Christ,

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