Tuesday, June 4, 2013

My Mommy and Me

“I am a child of God, emphasis on the child part” is how I often describe myself. Why? Well, even as I get older I still stay a child. I may be getting into adult things like taxes, but I am definitely still a child. As a child, I am open to the world, but I do not understand it. I also have no clue as to what I am doing half the time. Sound familiar? When I was little, I would ask my mom a question when I wanted to understand something. I would trust my mom to lead me to the right answer. I love my biological mother, but today I would like to focus on my spiritual mother, Mary. Here is a picture, isn't she beautiful?

                I have always been drawn to Mary, and in multiple ways. I have always loved the Hail Mary prayer, and when it came time to choose a confirmation saint, I of course chose her since she is the queen of the saints and because I felt a deep connection to her. As I got older, the Rosary became one of my favorite prayers and a source of comfort. I have always found Mary wonderful to turn to because she is kind and loving, and brings me closer to her Son, Jesus. There have been many times where I have wanted to just give up on the trial I was facing, but then I would reach out and I could feel Mary’s hand leading me to Jesus. During a bad breakup, she walked with me step by step by means of the 54 day Rosary novena. Some days were harder than others, but having that prayer helped me to persevere through it all, and it strengthened my relationship with Jesus. On another occasion, I felt called to write a letter that was very painful for me to write. As I wrote it, I clutched my Rosary, and the pain and distress I was feeling started to subside. Mary has continuously held my hand throughout my life. I like to wear my Rosary on my wrist as well as sleep with it so that I am always aware of whose hand I am holding (also you never know when you will have extra time for a Rosary!). 

                For the longest time, I was afraid of the Marian Consecration, despite my connection to Mary. It just seemed so…committed and serious. I did not feel ready for it and shied away from it for a long time. A few months ago, however, that changed.  With the help of a few friends, I was able to start the process. It is a 33-day preparation process, and ends with consecration on a Marian feast day. I began my consecration April 28, which oddly enough is the feast day of St. Gianna Beretta Molla, a saint I feel a strong connection to. Throughout the beginning in particular, I had my doubts about the consecration. Mary, however, helped guide me through it with gentle love. I just finished my consecration on May 31, the feast of the Visitation. It has only been a few days, but I am already experiencing the effects. I feel closer to both Mary and Jesus than ever before, and I find myself more joyful in the face of trials. Mary will not force her way into our life, but she can offer a great amount of love and grace when we invite her in. I do not worship Mary, but I love her very deeply. I hope I can become as much like her as I can.

While there are many times where we feel lost and clueless, we can always turn to Mary because she has so got this. She is our mommy. She loves us, and would fly to the moon and back a million times if it would help bring you closer to her Son. I am always amazed about how Mary works in our lives. She has many names, and each one has an amazing story behind it (I really enjoy Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of Guadalupe and  Our Lady of Fatima in particular). I just recently visited the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C, and I was so overwhelmed. The priest referred to it as “Mary’s house” and it really is with all of the chapels dedicated to her. The most overwhelming part of it was that all of the names of these chapels reflected a story of how Mary had worked in our lives on earth. It is amazing! She really is Our Lady of Perpetual Help. I encourage all of you to bring her into your lives. She can really help you, and will bring you closer to her Son.

Keep Mary in!
Your Sister In Christ,


  1. I shared your message with a friend. Keep it up! Nice to see that there are young ladies with true virtue.

  2. Thank you! I am really glad you shared it! I really want others to experience the love that I have experienced. I am really trying to do that through witnessing, so thank you!
